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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Patrick & Cari Norton <[log in to unmask]>
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Patrick & Cari Norton <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 14 Dec 2009 10:41:12 -0500
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Thanks for the info on the video project.  We look forward to seeing the finished product.  I think your video will be beneficial to all who watch it.   This project supports the ideas of gracious professionalism and the FLL Core Values.  It will provide the opportunity to learn from others, to become familiar with teams throughout the state, and to appreciate the work and accomplishments of others.  This is a fun way to document the experience.   During the weekend teams mostly focus on their own schedule and work to be completed.  We don't always have time to see all that is going on.  This project gives us an opportunity to look beyond our team and have a bigger view of the tournament weekend and all that was accomplished this season.   This video will also be helpful to new coaches and team members, as it will provide them with more information about FLL.   It also shares the State Championship experience with others who weren't able to be there this year.  

Thank you for doing this project.  I know from my own video editing experience that it takes a lot of time to put something like this together.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jin Ye 
  To: [log in to unmask] 
  Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2009 1:45 AM
  Subject: [VADCFLL-CHAMPIONSHIP-L] The teams that I filmed for the video project

        I felt very lucky that I had opportunities to work with the following teams on Sunday. Thank you so much! I have played back some teams' video on HD TV since it is HD video, it is awesome! and it is so joyful! I'll make "scale-down" copies of the video for each team and email them to respective coaches for review.

              Team # Team Name Div Show on video Time 
              5802 Nysmith Xtra Terrestrials  I robot game on pit table 9:20 
              5136 Nosco Mechanicus II LDD 10:25 
              4414 TechnoKnights II Intro to team, robot 11:00 
              2755 Cyber Cyclones II project 11:20 
              2566 GoBots I Robot Game on round 1 11:30 
              1895 CAMS Robo Patriots I Robot Game on round 1 11:30 
              8009 Eye of the Tiger I Song 12:40 
              6063 Henderson Robotics Team I Chant 12:50 
              5312  TransTurtles I Robot Game on round 2 13:00 
              1797  Hawkeyes I Robot Game on round 2 13:00 
              2566 GoBots I Robot Game on round 2 13:05 
              1055 Sea Monsters I Robot Game on round 2 13:05 
              3546 Super Nanobot Extremes I Robot Game on round 2 13:15 
              9528  LegoCraze I Robot Game on round 2 13:15 
              4154 NXT Squad I Robot Game on round 2 13:25 
              329 Mission Demolition I Intro to robot, badge 13:35 
              2414 Technical Pantherbots  Intro to robot 13:50 
              2006 Stingers I Intro to robot, song 14:05 
              5711 Lightning LEGO League I kung fu and song 14:15 
              2041 Mini Cougar Bots I Acrobat 14:25 
              4768 9steins II Interview 14:30 
              5136 Nosco Mechanicus II research display 14:40 
              3529 Smart-E II Robot Game on round 3 14:45 
              2755 Cyber Cyclones II Robot Game on round 3 14:45 
              5136 Nosco Mechanicus II Robot Design 15:05 
              1719 Cosmic Cubs I Chant 15:20 
              2543 Spirit I Song 15:25 

        (703) 864-9255 

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