Good Morning, We are approaching the registration start time. We hope you are getting excited! Please know that you will not be able to see the tournament preferences until 10:00am today, Oct. 1st. At 10:00am, ALL tournament options will be made available. If you are interested, or have not already taken a look at the regional tournaments, please do so here: You will register for your tournament preferences using your team manager account that you have created with VA-DC FIRST LEGO League. In order to do so, please ensure that all items are completed from the below checklist: * Team is registered with FIRST and all payments have been made:<> * Each individual team member has their consent form completed. * Team is registered with VA-DC FIRST LEGO League (if you are a returning team, you will still need to create a team manager account, so please do so before Oct. 1st): * Complete the registration fee of $150 to VA-DC FIRST LEGO League:<> * Check out tournaments near you!<> * We are aware that the calendar plug in has been acting up, so if you have any questions about where an event will be held, please do not hesitate to reach out. Krystian Jones Assistant Director VA-DC FIRST LEGO League & FIRST LEGO League Jr. (540) 568-2216 800 South Main St. MSC 0305 Harrisonburg, VA 22807 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE your settings, please visit and select "Join or leave the list". -- VADCFLL administrative announcements are sent via VADCFLL-ANNOUNCEMENTS-L. Visit to subscribe.