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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Sitarama Kalipatnapu <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 5 Dec 2016 11:04:35 -0500
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The robo retrievers had a wonderful season and weekend at JMU and would
like to thank all the organizers and volunteers for all their time and
effort in facilitating an enjoyable learning experience for all.

On Dec 5, 2016 10:26 AM, "Stacy Hull" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> The Amazing Knights from Richmond would also like to thank everyone who
> made the FLL VA/DC State Championship so successful.
> A fun weekend was had by all.  It always impresses me that such a large
> scale event runs so efficiently.
> Cheers to all!
> Many thanks,
> Stacy Hull
> Coach - Amazing Knights
> Richmond, VA
> On Dec 5, 2016, at 9:33 AM, vj <[log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>>
> wrote:
> Good Morning..
> Team PAWS would like to thank the entire team of Judges, Referees and
> Volunteers and behind the scene players for their contribution in hosting
> the great state championship tournament. We enjoyed every bit of it and
> were able to go through the schedule without any issues.
> Once again Thank you and we truly appreciate your efforts..
> Sincerely,
> Vijay - Team PAWS  Coach
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 9:13 AM, Amit G <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Dear Judges, Volunteers, Co-Coaches!!
>> Team "The Doggy Dooe'rs" would like to thank all the judges, volunteers
>> and co-coaches.
>> We had a wonderful Animal Allies season!! All this would not have been
>> possible without the support of such a wonderful team of Volunteers, judges
>> and finally all the awesome Coaches!!
>> Special thanks to Nick, Steve, Scott, Karen, Krystian for organizing each
>> and every tournament so flawlessly and perfect!!!
>> Thanks again for giving the kids one of the most memorable moments of
>> their lives!! I am sure they will cherish these in the years to come,and
>> learn and apply these values  to face other Challenges in life.
>> Thanks
>> Amit Govil
>> Coach - Team "The Doggy Dooers"
>> On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 9:39 PM, Kathleen Milhorn <[log in to unmask]>
>> wrote:
>>> The JRDS JneRDS would like to thank everyone for an amazing weekend! The
>>> kids had a great time and continue to learn a ton! Thank you for all your
>>> time and dedication!
>>> Kathleen
>>> On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 9:27 PM LS Sun <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>> Dear VA-DC FLL coordinators, judges, and volunteers extraordinaire,
>>>> Thank you for an amazing tournament!   You outdo yourself every year,
>>>> and we appreciate everything you did to make the weekend a rousing
>>>> success.   Our team had a memorable time and we appreciate that a well run
>>>> event requires an incredible amount of planning.  You all made it look
>>>> easy.
>>>> Our team also loved making new friends from teams from across the
>>>> Commonwealth and across our home county.
>>>> Safe travels home to all, and get some well deserved rest!
>>>> Until we meet again,
>>>> Team CRES, The Conservation Rangers
>>>> On Dec 1, 2016 15:58, "Scott Rakestraw" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>> Please remember your team information sheets for the VA-DC Championship
>>>> tournament.
>>>> The team should take 1 copy of the information sheet into each judging
>>>> room – Core Values, Project and Robot Design.   Take a minimum of 4 printed
>>>> copies to tournament. Team Information sheets are used to help judges
>>>> remember teams.
>>>> *Creating a Team Information Sheet*
>>>> 1         Download the template at 
>>>> /sites/default/files/TeamInfoSheet-fixed-12-2-11.pdf
>>>> <>
>>>> .
>>>> 2         Open in Adobe Acrobat.  DO NOT edit in the browser, it will
>>>> not let you insert an image.
>>>> 3         Edit the template
>>>> 4         Print 4 copies for the tournament.  You will need one for
>>>> each judging room and one for registration.
>>>> *Troubleshooting – Can’t add a picture*
>>>> Open the pdf file in Adobe Acrobat, not your browser, and click the
>>>> picture area.  This will allow you to select a picture.
>>>> At check-in, please ensure you have a team contact phone number on
>>>> file. We need the number to contact you if your team does really well in a
>>>> judging room and is extended a callback invitation to present Sunday. With
>>>> this size tournament, we have multiple judging rooms for each area. We take
>>>> the top teams from each room and have them present to one set of judges. We
>>>> are doing callbacks for Project and Robot Design. Core Values will be
>>>> roaming judges and pit visits. Callbacks for Division II can run late, it
>>>> could be as late as 10:00 PM.
>>>> Scott Rakestraw
>>>> VA-DC Judge Advisor
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