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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Kathryn Pearlman <[log in to unmask]>
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Kathryn Pearlman <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 8 Dec 2015 08:38:08 -0500
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Thank you to all the coaches, mentors, judges, and other volunteers – with a special thank you to Nick and his team for putting on the largest robotics tournament in the world! 

As I was leaving the tournament Sunday, I ran into the school robotics coordinator who first encouraged me to get involved with FLL many years ago. She pointed out that it’s not easy to leave FLL, and she’s right.  Even though my son has aged out of FLL (go Code Crackers!), it’s been wonderful to stay involved by volunteering as a judge and behind the scenes, and as part of StartingPoints, one of the sponsors of VA-DC FLL. 

Lots of people asked me this weekend about how to get one of our StartingPoints Robot Nerd t-shirts. I don’t want to use this space for personal promotion, but because so many people asked me, I’ll just say to drop me a line or check out my latest blog post at for all the details!

Kathryn Pearlman
Coach - Code Crackers (Body Forward, Food Factor, & Senior Solutions)
Judge – Qualifying & Championship tournaments (World Class, Trash Trek)

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