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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Thinh Cao <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 2 Oct 2015 14:24:14 -0400
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Thank you all for the quick responses! I am really impressed by the FLL
community and I greatly appreciate that you guys took the time to answer my
questions. Again, thank you and good luck to everyone!
With regards,

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[ ] 
On Fri, Oct 02, 2015 at 2:18 PM, Sharmila Sanjay < 
[log in to unmask] [[log in to unmask]] > wrote:
Hi Tim
Please see my answers to your questions below:
Coach to Fantastic Undercover Robotic Youth

-----Original Message-----
 From: First Lego League in Virginia and DC
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of [log in to unmask]
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2015 1:20 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [VADCFLL-L] Important dates

Hello all,
My name is Tim. I am from Mindframe Education (Mindbot team), and this is
our first time doing FLL, as well as my first year coaching an FLL team. 
information is very overwhelming, and we are a little late in terms of
preparation. I would greatly appreciate it if you guys can help me with the
information on the followings:
1. The important dates other than the ones listed on the websites. For
instance, on the FLL websites, it says that Nov 14th - Jan 17th are 
tournaments. But when is it for us, the Northern VA and DC area? And where
does it take place?

Sharmila: The regional tournaments will be in your city. Once you register
and pay at the VADC website you will be able to create your account, add
team member information and after you pay the $102 fee, you will be able to
choose the tournament date and location. You can choose one of the three
Saturdays in November. These dates are assigned on a first come first
served basis. Please see the link below.

2. Where does our regional tournament take place?
Sharmila: You will see a list for your area when you make your selections.

3. What happens when a team wins a loses in the regional tournament?
Does the team advance to the next regional round, or does the team move on
and compete in a bigger tournament? And when a team loses in the regional
tournament, does it mean that they are done and have to wait till next year

Sharmila: If you win the regional tournament as a Champion, you qualify for
State level. The State competitions are held at James Madison University
and typically in the first or second week of December.

We would greatly appreciate it if you guys can provide us with the above
information. Thank you in advance!
With regards,

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