Fri, 20 Apr 2012 16:33:06 -0400
Hello FLL Coaches,
I wanted to see if there is a coach/team member(s) in the Richmond area
that could help with
a FLL info session at Pinchbeck Elementary School in the West End. The
event is on Wed,
May 2nd from 6:30pm - 7:30pm. I will be doing a presentation on FLL,
but they had hoped for a coach/team member(s)
to come and show a FLL robot. I can bring along a FLL table, but if a
team could bring their bot to demo
that would be great!!
Even if you have not run your robot since fall, not to worry. This is
really just so they can see what the
"playing field" looks like, what a FLL bot looks like and see that it
is autonomous.
If you are able to help, please let me know ASAP as I am heading out on
Tuesday to go to the
World Championships in St. Louis.
Many thanks,
Sally Sylvester
Senior Mentor Virginia
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