Fri, 7 Feb 2014 17:55:13 -0500
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Hello. I am interested in gathering some information on how FLL and JrFLL
programs are offered through the schools in our area - in particular NoVa-DC-
MD area. I am interested mainly in how things would work with a public
school (ex. how to set up, how to finance, how to run them, etc.).
Are there any school based teams from Fairfax County Public School (FCPS)
system? Any other school districts, like Loudoun, Arlington, or other? How
are the programs run logistically?
I have heard that you can offer the programs as an after-school activity option
via the PTA or PTO with their oversight with parent volunteers. If your school
is such case, typically how are funds raised? Or are the costs more or less
assumed to be borne by individual members who sign up? How does that
work out when team members don't work out or drop out and leave? (with
respect to fees paid and the materials purchased).
Are there schools who offer FLL and or JrFLL programs as part of school
curriculum? Or as school sponsored clubs that supplement the curriculum? Or
teachers who run it as coaches or other?
Thank you in advance for any advice or comments you can share. I'm
researching this for a discussion to be held with our school's key members.
We are a FCPS ES or K-6 school in Fairfax. There seems to be an increase of
interest in STEM at our school generally speaking. The school recently held its
first science fair (well received) as well as offered a LEGO robotics camp (by
an outside vendor) as an after school activity via the PTA, and the camp filled
up rather quickly and surprisingly.
Thanks again. Please feel free to contact offlist as well; I can be reached via
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