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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 14:55:13 -0700
From: Karen Berger <[log in to unmask]>
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Sender: First Lego League Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Comments: To: [log in to unmask]
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New and Returning Coaches in the Lynchburg and nearby areas, 
There will be a Coaching Workshop on Saturday, September 12, 2009. 
Please see the contact information below and RSVP to Barbara Bragg if
Presenters:  Cari& Patrick Norton
Location:  CVCC, Merritt Hall, Multi-purpose Room, 5122
Date/Time:  Saturday, September 12, 2009, 9 3 p.m.

R.S.V.P. required, register in advance. Please respond to Barbara Bragg
at [log in to unmask] to reserve a spot.  Please include your school
name, school division, day phone and cell phone numbers.

Prepare coaches for the FLL season & share ideas on how to proceed.  We
will also distribute LEGO materials, provided they're received in time.

 *  Brand New registered FLL team coaches, potential coaches, leaders&
 *  Experienced coaches willing to share ideas
 *  Note:  The workshop is not intended for individual FLL team members,
so please do not bring children.

What to Bring:
Returning team groups should bring a laptop computer with NXTG
installed, an NXT robot, extra LEGO robotics pieces, an extension cord,
and a packed lunch (we will have access to refrigerator and microwave).

Agenda:   Please switch cell phones and pager to OFF or quiet mode.
1)   Expectations as a Coach (Getting Started and Organizing the
2)   Understanding the Robot Game, the Project Presentation, and
3)   Learning to Program the Robot (Using the NXT and NXTG)
4)   Coaching Tips & handouts

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