Passing along these emails as I get them. There is a lot of good stuff on
the Techbrick site. Be sure to check it out.
Cari Norton
RoboDesigners Team #71
Roanoke, VA
- ----------------------------------------------
All Missions Video Converted for Download
Yesterday (Friday) almost 1000 unique visitors from all over the world
downloaded about 6000 documents from We received many
enouraging comments. Thank you!
This week teams all over the world will be meeting to evaulate the Climate
Connections missions. You'll want to show the mission videos.
We've converted the 'All Missions' Flash movie to WMV so you can play it on
your local computer and project it if necessary.
You can download it here...
Your teams can watch individual videos online at:
If you've benefited from our materials consider making a small donation to
our efforts.
Remember, Atlanta is only 221 days away!
// Marco
Lead Mentor
h <> ttp://
Marco Ciavolino
TechBrick Robotics
1603 Belvue Drive
Forest Hill, MD 21050
fax 1-413-410-2773
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