I'd share my '2 cents" on "no introductions to judges".
I was a robot design interview judge for the division II team at TJ tournament. I and other judge always greeted the teams coming in the room with "welcome" and introduced ourselves briefly to them and then asked them to introduce themselves to us as the opening of their presentation so that they no teams missed the "introduction" and created "friendly communication environment" which help us the judges to obtain more information from the teams so we can judge fairly.
Curt Tran (the TJ tourney JA) asked me to review the feedback sheets (keep in mind "feedback" is different from "judging scoring sheet" which is rubric based). I completed a revision draft on robot design feedback sheet prior to the tourney.
I thinking is the feedback should focus on the subject, and I do have other thoughts reflected in the draft.
I attach the draft here.
--- On Wed, 12/2/09, Phil Smith III <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
From: Phil Smith III <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: [VADCFLL-CHAMPIONSHIP-L] Answer RE: [VADCFLL-CHAMPIONSHIP-L] Time Available for the Research Project
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 10:44 AM
This is a new one. I would hope that:
1) This would not occur (but obviously it did)
2) If it did occur, the judges would be informed enough about the schedule status that they would know whether they can afford to delay or not
3) If on-schedule, they would try to wait for the other judge
4) If tight for time, they would apologize and explain
5) In any case, it would not affect their judging comments!
So. “Is it required”? I suppose not – but it would be strongly recommended. I won’t be at State but I’m sure the State JAs will discuss this with the judges!
Phil Smith III
Virginia State Judge Advisor, 2007, 2008, 2009
Judge Advisor, Northern Virginia Regional tournaments, 2007, 2008, 2009
Division 1 Judge Advisor, Virginia State tournament, 2006
Coach, The Capital Girls, Oak Hill (retired)
Team 1900 (2002)
Team 2497 (2003)
Team 2355 (2004)
Team 1945 (2005)
From: VA/DC FLL Championship Tournament [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Marie J Kobayashi
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 9:54 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [VADCFLL-CHAMPIONSHIP-L] Answer RE: [VADCFLL-CHAMPIONSHIP-L] Time Available for the Research Project
Speaking of the Research Project, I had what may seem like a rather silly question re: presence of the judges during presentation.
Is it required that all of the judges (involved in judging a team) be present during the whole 5 minutes that the team is presenting?
I ask this to prepare our team on what to expect, and if need be, respectfully ask to wait to start their presentation if all judges aren't present.
This is not something that a team would naturally assume that they can ask to do seeing that the 5 minute clock starts ticking as soon as they start setting up.
So, we are looking for some clarification on what the teams can expect from the judges.
The background to this question:
During our regional qualifying tournament, we were missing one out of two judges in our room during part of the kids' presentation.
(The one remaining judge, once seeing that the team was set-up, had motioned for them to start.)
As the first team member started speaking, I did interrupt to ask about the other judge.
The judge that was present said that the other judge went to the restroom and motioned for the kids to continue.
About 2 minutes into the presentation time, the other judge returned and was quite engaged thereafter.
During those 2 minutes, the absent judge missed the team introduction and about 2/3 of the team taking turns speaking.
When we got our feedback sheet for the project, weaknesses that were checked included:
"Teamwork not evenly divided" and "no introductions to judges".
While we do not question truth in those comments, it did cause us to wonder if the absence of the one judge during that time period had some negative impact for the team.
So, thank you for your patience in the question that we are asking.
We appreciate the feedback and desire to implement suggestions so that we can properly prepare our team for this weekend's tournament.
Thank you!
On Dec 2, 2009, at 7:50 AM, Brittany Rose wrote:
Great question, Howard.
The teams will have the same amount of time for the research project judging (and all of the judged events) that they should have received at the regionals. The team will have 5 minutes to make their presentation - set up included - and then there will be 5 minutes for questions and answers with the judges.
Brittany Rose
Virginia/DC FIRST LEGO League
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [VADCFLL-CHAMPIONSHIP-L] Time Available for the Research
From: Howard Hempenius <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, December 02, 2009 4:56 am
To: [log in to unmask]
How much time is available for the research project presentation/discussion at the state tournament? Is the amount of time different from the regional tournament?
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