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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Rosalind O'Brien <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 23 Nov 2014 19:38:04 -0500
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Hello all,
We have had an issue come to our attention that we need to fix before
registrations can continue. If you have already registered, your
registration will not be lost.

Please excuse the inconvenience, I know that this is a stressful time for
everyone, but the issue is significant enough that it merited taking the
site down temporarily. This should not affect anyone that has already
registered, and will hopefully make the registration process going forward
smoother, as well as facilitate checkin at the event.

We are going to get the site back up as soon as possible. We will aim to
have it working again by Monday at noon. If there is a delay, we will send
out a follow up email at that time.

Thank you for bearing with us.

On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Rosalind O'Brien <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> First, a couple of quick notes about *registration*:
> 1. State championship registration will be open through November 25th
> 2. We've fixed the payment link on our website. We're sorry it was broken
> before, and thanks to Anant and others for finding the error!
> If you notice anything amiss on our website, please let us know at
> [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask] and we'll get it fixed promptly.
> *State Championship Activities*
> We are using a new method for state championship activity sign up this
> year, which we hope will result in more people being able to register for
> their preferred activity. We've created a website where you can go to view
> the activities and reserve a space in the one you want.
> A few important notes:
>    - Division 1 participants should sign up for an afternoon activity,
>    and Division 2 participants should sign up for a morning activity.
>    - Each participant is only allowed to reserve one space.
>    - We ask that parents please do not follow their children to the
>    activities (the professors will not allow you to enter the classroom).
>    - Registration for activities will close Wednesday December 3 at
>    midnight.
>    - Once all spots are filled for an activity, that activity will be
>    closed for registration.
> *Please read the information on the homepage carefully.* If you have any
> questions, we've provided an FAQ page on the site. If you get really stuck
> or notice any issues with the site, please let us know at
> [log in to unmask]
> You can sign up for activities here:
> *Note: You can find the registration link, hotel reservation link, and the
> activities link on the main VA-DC FLL website, in case you lose track of
> this email.*
> Hope everyone's having a great weekend!
> Ros
> --
> *Ros O'Brien*
> *Marketing and Outreach Coordinator*
> [log in to unmask]
> Find us online at

*Ros O'Brien*
*Marketing and Outreach Coordinator*
[log in to unmask]

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