Tue, 10 Apr 2018 17:57:19 -0700
Hi everyone,
This is a reminder that the CNU/NNPS FLL Scrimmage will be on June 2nd. We still have space for more teams so if you plan to participate, please let me know. Details are below.
* When: Saturday, June 2nd, approximately 9 am - 2 pm
* Where: Christopher Newport University, Newport News VA
* Who: Any group of 9-14 year old students interested in having a team (you do NOT need to be a registered FLL team)
* Cost: FREE for teams and spectators. Food will be available for purchase if interested. There will be lots of other STEM activities at the event as well.
* Challenge: FLL 2017 Challenge - Hydro Dynamics (if you are a new team and need the field challenge, please contact me). The tournament will be robot game and informal robot design judging only. No presentation or core values judging sessions. We will not use age divisions but will have rookie and veteran team divisions so this will be a great place to try FLL for the first time.
* Jr. FLL teams are needed for a possible expo - if we get enough interest, we'll do an expo!
Also, please note that I have a new email address for FLL. The new email address is [log in to unmask]
Thanks and I hope to see you all on June 2nd!
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