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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Karen Shumway <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 19 May 2020 13:01:44 -0400
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…Do you have middle and high school children who need more science exploration? If you are taking chemistry, like chemistry, like science, like doing actual labs, come join me at 3:00pm Tuesdays and Thursdays! Lab day is Tuesday. Some days are Labs you can do with me from home if you buy the Microchem Lab kit from Quality Science Tools. Other days, I do live demonstrations. Have you ever actually visualized alpha, bets, gamma, and muon particles? Seen light through a spectroscope? Watched metal salts burn? 100% remote, 100% interactive. Thursdays, we talk about theory and work chemical problems. I am roughly coordinating with Fairfax County Public Schools Chemistry I topics to provide help for homework assignments.  < >

Keep a lookout on Meetup, we are posting STEM activities we can run remotely or in-person as COVID-19 social distancing allows all summer!
Karen Shumway
Lead, Nova Labs Robotics
Secretary, Nova Labs
Instructor, Nova Labs Institute of the Future
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