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January 2014


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Feminist ethics and social theory <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 23 Jan 2014 13:07:39 -0600
Alison Reiheld <[log in to unmask]>
Alison Reiheld <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
To: Judy Andre <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (448 lines)

I would be interested in seeing more philosophical work on age and ageing, along
the lines of what Judy is considering.

One thing that got me thinking about this lately, along with heteronormativity
and gender/sex dichotomy and pronatalism and granting full moral status to the
fetus and biological parenting, is the following "stages of life" my
kindergartener recently informed me about which they had learned during a
Health unit: first you grow in your mommy's belly, then you are born, then you
are a baby, then a boy or a girl, then a teenager, then an adult, then a mommy
or a daddy, then an elder, and then you die.

There is a lot to work with there.

   Alison Reiheld
   Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
   College of Arts and Sciences
   [log in to unmask]

Quoting Judy Andre <[log in to unmask]>:

> A first, basic, point: Everyone has "age," just as everyone has race,
> culture, and gender. Age is a relational term, but a largely untheorized one.
> That's what I'm after.
> Questions of justice arises immediately: Are some parts of the life span
> privileged at the expense of others? See Toni Calasanti et al on that
> question.
> But I'm after something else: the last stage of life in our own culture lacks
> meaning. There are no ideals, obligations, responsibilities; few rights; no
> initiation ceremonies. Could/should that be different? If so, in what
> relationship to other stages of life? Sentient biological beings are aware of
> their place on a spectrum, and that awareness is part of their
> self-understanding.
> I should have mentioned that Peg Simons has also worked on these questions,
> drawing from Beauvoir's La Vieillesse.
> ________________________________
> From: Ann Ferguson [[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 12:49 PM
> To: Judy Andre
> Cc: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Older philosophers
> Hi, like Judy I just added myself to the Women of Philosophy website after
> feeling momentarily vanished when I didnt see my name there.  I understand
> why retired and non-academically affiliated women philosophers were not
> originally included--we are often not as present on the web in official
> websites run by the academy, and tend not to have our own personal websites
> because of the hassle of learning how to set one up as an older person not
> familiar with the technology or even having some self-doubts about what her
> "career" means and should be pursued as a thinker. For example, I have given
> up trying to post my bibliography of books and articles on the Phil Papers
> website because it is too frustrating to figure out!  A problem of how some
> people age (including me) I guess.
> Regarding ageing as a philosophical topic  I agree that we could use more
> feminist philosophical analysis of it as an issue.  I am not aware of much
> that has been done since Marilyn Pearsall's excellent work in the 1980s.  But
> it is an issue I personally shy away from because it is not part of my
> central understanding of myself and I dont want to be pigeon-holed as an
> "old" feminist philosopher, which tends to imply that I have insights about
> the past of feminist theory and philosophy but not much to offer about
> current issues and developments in feminist theory.  After all there have
> been several "turns" in feminist theory and philosophy since I wrote most of
> my original feminist theory, and for awhile it felt like postmodern and
> poststructuralist feminist theory had dissed my type of materialist feminist
> theory as old-fashioned (cf.  Nicholson, ed Feminism/Postmodernism, 1990 or
> so).  I see the "old-fashioned" label as an ad-hominem, and wrong-headed,
> since in my view theory production does not move in a linear direction but
> more in a spiral type fashion.
>   Maybe others dont feel that way, but I would be interested to hear the
> personal resonances of both older feminist philosophers to this identity
> question and also of youngers to how they think of older thinkers.
> Ann Ferguson
> On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 12:11 PM, Judy Andre
> <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
> Thanks to all who created the Women in Philosophy list; I've just added
> myself, and it was as easy as promised. I chose to call myself "emerita," but
> it's probably true that "independent scholar" gets more respect.
> Which leads to my real point. As some of the anguished responses from older
> women philosophers indicated, there is important political work to be done
> about inclusiveness and age. There is also a great deal of interesting
> *philosophical* work to be done (of course the personal, political, and
> philosophical intersect), and some of us have started to do it. Hats off to
> Kate Lindeman, who has been a pioneer in the area.
> I would be glad to share what I am doing, and I think Kate would be as well.
> Let's get together and help clear this new land.
> From: Feminist ethics and social theory
> [[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>] on behalf of Joan
> Callahan [[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 6:47 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: Women in Philosophy Directory Launched!
> Dear Sally,
> In response to the comments on Emerita by Eva et al. -- I must say that when
> I checked the list, I felt I had become a vapor.
> As you might realize, I well know what kind of work goes into an effort like
> this, Sally, and I mean no criticism.  This is an enormous contribution.  I
> really know of no one else who has done as much as you have done, not only as
> a remarkable, theoretically groundbreaking  feminist scholar, but at least as
> importantly as a smart, loving, and effective colleague in fostering
> professionally and personally the community of feminist philosophers. We are
> all in your debt and will forever remain so.
> So my comments are exclusively about this latest contribution, which I DO
> understand is a work in progress.  Please take them as just trying to make it
> the best it might be.
> I am SURE you know that there are still many of us, formally retired now, who
> do try to continue to "pitch in," which is putting it MUCH too mildly for so
> many who continue to "produce" major philosophical work (think of Lorraine
> Code, for example) at an astounding level, as well as work out of the
> professional public eye continuing supporting students, as well as other
> matters too numerous to mention.
> Please, then, could whoever is putting this together try to get us old folks
> included and KEEP getting us included without having to personally add
> ourselves in? More of us continue to retire.  Please don't forget us.
>  I also VERY STRONGLY suggest that having a formal emeritus status should be
> let go immediately.
> There are some very, very fine independent scholars who have chosen that
> route for a variety of reasons, and have made SUBSTANTIAL contributions to
> philosophy, including feminist philosophy (and often continue to do so) --
> Helen Bequaert Holmes comes quickly to mind as one major example.  Given her
> remarkable early work on feminsit bioethics, it is untinkable to me that she
> would not be most enthusically included in an inaugural version of "Women of
> Philosophy."
> Forgive me, please.  But, then of course, I know you will.
> All best,
> Joan
> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Eva Kittay
> <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
> It was not because there were emeritus that they were not on.  The list was I
> guess just a way to get this going. I was left out as were all my colleagues
> at SBU.  I have just urged everyone to sign themselves in.  It is a very good
> thing to have.  So I join my thanks to those of others. But it would help if
> people were alerted that the list was still a work in progress with respect
> to its comprehensiveness.  It's clear however that you are welcome to add
> yourself or others.
> Best, Eva
> Eva Feder Kittay
> Distinguished Professor of Philosophy
> Stony Brook University
> [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> 212-333-4670<tel:212-333-4670>
> Sent from my iPad
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:58 PM, "Meyers, Diana"
> <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
> My sample is limited, but almost all the emerita philosophers I know are
> women currently working in philosophy.  Those who don’t feel they belong on
> the list because they’ve lost interest in teaching and/or writing can opt
> out, I imagine.  Thanks so much, Sally and volunteers, for compiling this
> list.  Best, Diana
> **************************************
> Diana Tietjens Meyers
> Professor Emerita of Philosophy
> University of Connecticut, Storrs
> [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> http://dianatietjensmeyers.wordpress.com/
> From: Linda Lopez McAlister
> <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
> Reply-To: Society for Women in Philosophy Information and Discussion List
> <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
> Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 12:59 PM
> To: "[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>"
> <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
> Subject: Re: Women in Philosophy Directory Launched!
> It's a bit confusing, Sally, since the page itself says "women currently
> working in philosophy".
> Linda Lopez McAlister
> ________________________________
> From: "Sally Haslanger" <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
> To: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:34:44 AM
> Subject: Re: Women in Philosophy Directory Launched!
> Hi Tangren:
> There are many emerita on the list already so please add yourself!  An
> emerita faculty member is a faculty member!
> Best, Sally
> Please note: I am on sabbatical this term.  If I have not been prompt in
> responding to your email, it is because I'm really trying to remember how to
> read and write something other than emails.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Sally Haslanger
> Professor of Philosophy and Women's and Gender Studies
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> http://sallyhaslanger.weebly.com
> --------------------------------------------------------
> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 10:23 PM, Tangren Alexander
> <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
> --Apple-Mail-1--349425262
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Content-Type: text/plain;
>         charset=windows-1252
> As an Emerita Professor, I'm wondering why we retired women are not =
> represented.
> No need to answer, but please think about it.
> Best,
> Tangren Alexander
> On Jan 20, 2014, at 2:15 PM, Sally Haslanger wrote:
> Dear all:
> I would like to let you know about a new directory of women =
> philosophers.  It can be found at:
> www.womenofphilosophy.com<http://www.womenofphilosophy.com>.
> This is a crowd-sourced database searchable by 1) name, 2) school, 3) =
> faculty position, 4) areas of specialization, 5) primary research =
> interests, and 6) geographical location. It currently contains over 650 =
> names of women philosophers working on faculties of higher education =
> across the world. As it stands, the listing is far from comprehensive, =
> and we are relying on the goodwill of members of the profession to keep =
> the database up-to-date and as comprehensive as possible.=20
> Women with a Ph.D. in philosophy holding a faculty position (e.g., =
> post-doc, adjunct, tenure-track, tenured, etc.) should check if they =
> have an entry in the database and send any additions or corrections =
> under the =91Submit=92 tab. Please use that tab to add yourself if you =
> are not currently listed. We invite anyone to submit a name, including =
> names of women in philosophy outside of the U.S.
> The database should be an invaluable resource for conference organizers, =
> editors, hiring committees, and anyone interested in learning more about =
> the work of women in the profession.   Please spread the word!
> Enjoy! Sally
> Work to produce this database was completed by a team of volunteers. =
> Thanks to the Committee on the Status of Women and MIT for their =
> support, and to all those who have contributed.
> =
> **************************************************************************=
> *****************
> Please note: I am on sabbatical this term.  If I have not been prompt in =
> responding to your email, it is because I'm really trying to remember =
> how to read and write something other than emails.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Sally Haslanger
> Professor of Philosophy and Women's and Gender Studies
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> http://sallyhaslanger.weebly.com
> --------------------------------------------------------
> --Apple-Mail-1--349425262
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Content-Type: text/html;
>         charset=windows-1252
> <html><head></head><body style=3D"word-wrap: break-word; =
> -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space; ">As an =
> Emerita Professor, I'm wondering why we retired women are not =
> represented.<div>No need to answer, but please think about =
> it.</div><div>Best,</div><div>Tangren =
> Alexander</div><div><br></div><div><br><div><div>On Jan 20, 2014, at =
> 2:15 PM, Sally Haslanger wrote:</div><br =
> class=3D"Apple-interchange-newline"><div dir=3D"ltr"><p =
> class=3D"MsoNormal" =
> style=3D"font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px"><span =
> style=3D"font-family:Arial">Dear all:</span></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal" =
> style=3D"font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px"><span =
> style=3D"font-family:Arial">I would like to let you know about a new =
> directory of women philosophers. &nbsp;It can be found at:</span><span =
> style=3D"font-family:Helvetica"><u></u><u></u></span></p><p =
> class=3D"MsoNormal" =
> style=3D"font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px"><span =
> style=3D"font-family:Arial"><a href=3D"http://www.womenofphilosophy.com/" =
> =
> style=3D"font-family:Helvetica"><u></u><u></u></span></p><p =
> class=3D"MsoNormal" =
> style=3D"font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px"><span =
> style=3D"font-family:Arial"><br></span></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal" =
> style=3D"font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px"><span =
> style=3D"font-family:Arial">This is a crowd-sourced database searchable =
> by 1) name, 2) school, 3) faculty position, 4) areas of specialization, =
> 5) primary research interests, and 6) geographical location. It =
> currently contains over 650 names of women philosophers working on =
> faculties of higher education across the world.&nbsp;<span =
> style=3D"color:rgb(20,20,20)">As it stands, the listing is far from =
> comprehensive, and we are relying on the goodwill of members of the =
> profession to keep the database up-to-date and as comprehensive as =
> possible.&nbsp;</span></span><span =
> style=3D"font-family:Helvetica"><u></u><u></u></span></p><p =
> class=3D"MsoNormal" =
> style=3D"font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px"><span =
> style=3D"font-family:Arial"><span =
> style=3D"color:rgb(20,20,20)"><br></span></span></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal"=
>  style=3D"font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px">
> <span style=3D"font-family:Arial">Women with a Ph.D. in philosophy =
> holding a faculty position (e.g., post-doc, adjunct, tenure-track, =
> tenured, etc.) should check if they have an entry in the database and =
> send any additions or corrections under the =91Submit=92 tab. Please use =
> that tab to add yourself if you are not currently listed. We invite =
> anyone to submit a name, including names of women in philosophy outside =
> of the U.S.</span><span =
> style=3D"font-family:Helvetica"><u></u><u></u></span></p><p =
> class=3D"MsoNormal" =
> style=3D"font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px"><span =
> style=3D"font-family:Arial"><br></span></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal" =
> style=3D"font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px"><span =
> style=3D"font-family:Arial;color:rgb(37,15,45)">The database should be =
> an invaluable resource for conference organizers, editors, hiring =
> committees, and anyone interested in learning more about the work of =
> women in the profession. &nbsp; Please spread the word!</span></p><p =
> class=3D"MsoNormal" =
> style=3D"font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px"><span =
> style=3D"font-family:Arial;color:rgb(37,15,45)"><br></span></p><p =
> class=3D"MsoNormal" =
> style=3D"font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px"><span =
> style=3D"font-family:Arial;color:rgb(37,15,45)">Enjoy! =
> Sally</span></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal" =
> style=3D"font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px"><span =
> style=3D"font-family:Arial;color:rgb(37,15,45)"><br></span></p><p =
> class=3D"MsoNormal" =
> style=3D"font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px"><span =
> style=3D"font-family:Arial;color:rgb(37,15,45)">Work to produce this =
> database was completed by a team of volunteers. Thanks to the Committee =
> on the Status of Women and MIT for their support, and to all those who =
> have contributed.</span></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal" =
> style=3D"font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px"><span =
> style=3D"font-family:Arial;color:rgb(37,15,45)"><br></span></p><div><div =
> dir=3D"ltr"><div =
> style=3D"text-align:center"><i>*******************************************=
> ************************************************</i></div>
> <div><i>Please note: I am on sabbatical this term. &nbsp;If I have not =
> been prompt in responding to your email, it is because I'm really trying =
> to remember how to read and write something other than =
> emails.</i></div><div>----------------------------------------------------=
> ----</div>
> Sally Haslanger<br>Professor of Philosophy and Women's and Gender =
> Studies<br>Massachusetts Institute of Technology<div><div><a =
> href=3D"http://sallyhaslanger.weebly.com/" =
> target=3D"_blank">http://sallyhaslanger.weebly.com</a></div>
> =
> <div><div><div>--------------------------------------------------------<br=
> ></div></div></div></div></div></div>
> </div>
> </div><br></div></body></html>=
> --Apple-Mail-1--349425262--
> ############################
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> --
> Ann Ferguson
> Professor emerita of Philosophy and Women's Studies UMass Amherst and
> feminist activist
> ############################
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