The MidloCANics FRC team is looking for teams in the Richmond Tri-Cities area
willing to help showcase Jr.FLL at the JTCC spring festival (Fool For Art). This
year the festival is Saturday, April 26th. . The Jr.FLL teams will be there to talk
about the JrFLL program and show their LEGO models and Show-Me Posters.
This is a great way for JrFLL teams to share their research project and to
practice FIRST Core Values -- "we share our experiences with others..."
If your team is interested, please email Kathy Ward ([log in to unmask]) directly.
This is a great outreach opportunity and a fun festival.
Sandy Furman
FIRSTĀ® Senior Mentor - Virginia
P (804) 350-9029-cell
E [log in to unmask]
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