November 2021


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Sun, 7 Nov 2021 11:44:35 +0000
theory of knowledge society discussion <[log in to unmask]>
"Henriques, Gregg - henriqgx" <[log in to unmask]>
theory of knowledge society discussion <[log in to unmask]>
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Thanks for these contributions.

Of course, central to UTOK is the nature of justification and its social context and consequences. The justification of ownership being one key aspect and I like the breakdown of categories.

For more on justification systems, two recent Rebel Wisdom interviews give useful, popular discussions of what UTOK classifies under the domain of JUST. 

Here Julia Galef talks about the difference between "scout" and "soldier" mindsets, with the former being a stance that is open to learning new things and the latter being a defensive positions that justifies one's stance or status or belief. :

Here William Storr talks generally about the stories we tell ourselves and how much of them are confabulated and why that is the case from the vantage point of evolutionary, social and neuropsychology. He links status to dominance, virtue and competence signaling. He also includes belonging and thus basically is making the ego justification to Influence Matrix linkage.

These are useful interviews. I do feel a bit mixed listening to them, however. If our science/philosophy could get its act together and show how to consolidate our knowledge, all of this could be just part of what is known. That is, the idea that we have an ego that functions as a mental organ of justification that is structured to construct propositional networks that justify social influence and relational value on the dimensions of power love and freedom is "known" if you know how to look at the current science. We need to figure out to help folks see that. 

And, we can note, as I say this, it is not an accident that it justifies the promotion of UTOK 😊. 


-----Original Message-----
From: theory of knowledge society discussion <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Victor MacGill
Sent: Sunday, November 7, 2021 3:20 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: TOK: The stories we tell to justify ownership as given by the book "Mine!"

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I often talk to clients about how the sense of identity of a wild animal is its body that is linked to its fight/flight mechanism. Human identity is far more. I see a parking space and it immediately becomes "mine" it is a part of me and my identity as much as my arm or my leg and when my parking spot is under threat I respond with a fight/flight response the same as a wild animal, that is not usually very helpful


Victor MacGill PhD
Author of When the Dragon Stirs: Healing our Wounded lives through Fairy Stories, Myths and Legends and Gonna Lay Down my Sword and Shield: A complexity perspective on human evolution from a Violent Past to a Compassionate Future


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