The process of migrating VAFLL subscribers to the  new email list, 
VADCFLL-L is now complete. If you have any questions or future problems 
related to using VADCFLL-L, please contact me directly at [log in to unmask]

Web Browser Check: If you bookmarked a link to the VAFLL website prior 
to it being moved from VaTech to JMU last year, your bookmark may still 
refer to the old website location ( If that's 
the case, please update your bookmark to refer to, or simply delete the old bookmark and add a 
bookmark for the new website.

Best wishes,
Ralph Grove

Ralph F. Grove Jr., Ph.D., Associate Professor
James Madison University Department of Computer Science
[log in to unmask]  540/568-6288

Ralph F. Grove Jr., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator
James Madison University Department of Computer Science
[log in to unmask]  540/568-6288

To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS, please visit and select "Join or leave the list".

If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".