It is less than a month away from the 4-H Northern District Robotics Competition on April 19. I have lined up a few volunteers to help, but I could use some more. I realize that our competiton falls on the same weekend as the World competition in Atlanta. I also am in need of the scoring program, if it is available, for the 2007 Challenge I also could use some suggestions for sample questions for the judges doing the interviews. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Please call or email me if you know of any one who can help. It looks like we will have 3-5 teams competing, if the teams follow through. Thanks for you help!-Kathy Alstat ______________________________________________________________ To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS, please visit and select "Join or leave the list". If you want to join the VADCFLL-ADMIN-L mailing list - to which FLL administrative announcements will be distributed - visit and select "Join or leave the list".