Hi folks - just passing along this note from FLL headquarters as a reminder that FLL team registration with FIRST opens tomorrow at http://www.firstlegoleague.org/default.aspx?pid=70.  

The challenge details will be released in September by FIRST and tournament registration for Virginia/DC qualifying regionals will open in October with VA/DC FLL.

I look forward to working with you all in the upcoming season!



 From the desk of Anna Maenhout...

While we started celebrating FLL's 10th birthday in Atlanta, May 1st 
officially kicks off FLL's tenth season with our Climate Connection 
challenge.  Climate Connections has children exploring our earth's 
climate and discovering the links between science, people, resources and 

We are projecting in the area of 7,800 hundred teams in the US and 
Canada alone!  And, another 4,600 in about 40 countries around the 
world.  That's about 124,000 children this coming season!

Teams in the US and Canada can officially register teams starting 
tomorrow (5/1/2008).   Major thanks to Noriko Morin, Brenda Swanson and 
Brigid Cox for all their hard work in getting the registration system up 
and running for this coming season.

Anna Maenhout
Director - FLL, Jr.FLL

Brittany Rose
Virginia/DC FIRST LEGO League

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