
Bringing a small, folding table to the competition's robot performance table
is an excellent technique and it's both legal & recommended in FLL.  My FLL
team has been doing for this years; I believe I learned this idea at an FLL
coach's workshop 3 years ago.

It is also recommended to use a plastic bin to carry the robot at the
tournament, and to have the team set the bin upon the small folding table
next to the robot competition table.  We put a row of self-adhesive, felt
pads all along the four edges of the small table, to decrease the chance of
the plastic bin being bumped off of the small table.

Additional pointers: Always have a designated team member carry the robot in
the bin, and another designated team member carry & set up the small,
folding table near the base area next to the big robot performance table.
Same thing goes for carrying the robot & all props to & from the judging
sessions; always have a designated person for each role, so that nothing is
forgotten.  The designated person for each role can change between robot
rounds, so that everyone who wants a turn can have a chance to do one of
these jobs.

The robot itself, plus attachments, etc., can all be stored in the plastic
bin, on top of the small folding table, until each item is needed, during
the robot performance rounds.

I hope that all made sense!  :-)

Good Luck,

Kevin Hines
Coach, Colonial Elementary, Blue Ridge, VA
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-----Original Message-----
From: First Lego League Discussion
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Michael Blanpied
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2008 4:46 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [VADCFLL-L] May the team bring a small table to the match?

Karen, Phil,

The new Housekeeping rule, that only the two kids at the table may
hold competition objects, has a significant effect on the match
logistics for some teams.

Will a team be permitted to bring a small table to the competition
room? Our team would like to set a small table next to the robot
table, on which to place attachments and loose mission models during
the match. I know they're permitted to bring a box, so in effect this
is asking if that box may have a team-supplied table underneath it.

Mike Blanpied
Reston, VA
2006 Nano People #4809
2007 Power Bunnies #1666
2008 BLT (Brilliant Lego Team) #5013

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