Dear VA FLL & FTC?Friends,

You are invited to attend the VMI Robotics Day event, to be held this Saturday afternoon, at the Virginia Military Institute, in Lexington, VA.? 

This open-to-the-public event promises to be fun & informative: There will be four FLL teams, plus the James River HS FTC team, as well as a VA State Police?bomb squad?demonstrating their bomb-disposal robot.? The four FLL teams will present their research presentations to the public, and will also have friendly competition during robot matches on a double, FLL robot missions table.

The press release is here: The event will begin?at 1:00 PM, in Cocke Hall, on the VMI campus in Lexington

Professor David Livingston of VMI?is organizing this event.

David, Congratulations on starting 5 (or more?) FLL & FTC teams during the past year, and for organizing this public outreach exhibition!? I appreciate all the work you are doing for the children of our state.

All, please share this info with all who may be interested.

I'll be there... and I hope?many of you can attend as well!


PS - Please feel free to contact me for more information.

Kevin Hines
FLL Coach, FTC & FRC Mentor
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