Would you prefer "hard copy" of the pictures or an emailed file?  I can do either.  Sounds like a fun idea.

** Anne Meyer (The Tree Brigade)
On Feb 8, 2009, at 10:37 AM, Sally Sylvester wrote:

Hello FLL friends,

The Green GLOOOCS would like to make a display that
represents all the FLL teams across Virginia/DC.  We would
love to gather the following from teams:

Team pictures
Team buttons
Postcards from your area of Virginia
Any other little items that represent your team or hometown 

We are still working on the details of the display, but want this
to be a fun representation of all the teams across the state
as well as landmarks across Virginia/DC.

If teams wouldn't mind gathering these "things" and sending
them to us, we will make them into a display to bring to Atlanta. 
Please make a copy of your photos, as I don't know if we'll be able
to get them off the display to return.  THANKS!!

Thanks for your support as we get ready for our journey to Atlanta.
And yes, the Green GLOOOC will be making the trip!!
Let me know if you have any questions.

Sally Sylvester
Team 11-Green GLOOOCS

Sally Sylvester
3709 Sovereign Lane
Richmond VA 23233
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