Dear Brittany:

I am starting a new FLL team comprised of new 4th graders, including my son, who attend St Stephens in Alexandria. I have coached my older daughter's team for the past 2 years. We would certainly be happy to have you join us and help out, especially as all of the team members will be new to FLL. We are having our first introductory meeting today at noon and plan on meeting on each Sunday for 2 hours down in Old Town, with some sessions during the week as needed. Please give me a call any evening if you would like to discuss.
Bob Henshaw
703 370 9336


Robert M Henshaw, MD

Vice Chairman, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Washington Hospital Center

Director, Orthopedic Oncology, Washington Cancer Institute and Children's National Medical Center

Chief, Division of Orthopedic Oncology, Georgetown University Medical Center

Associate Professor, Department of Orthopedics, Georgetown University School of Medicine

Consultant, Surgical Branch, National Cancer Institute/National Institute of Health

110 Irving St, NW

Washington DC, 20010

Office: 202-877-3970

Fax: 202-877-8959

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