-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [SPAM] Re: [VADCFLL-L] INFO re: conflict between TJHSS&T
testing and championship tournament
From: For 2 boys <
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Date: Mon, November 16, 2009 12:46 pm
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Could you accomodate the teams with kids taking TJ exam after 2:30pm on Saturday. Not all children want to do the essays seperately and i do not want to enforce that rule on them.
If you can accomodate the teams to have tournaments past 2:30 that will really help. It might make your tournament day longer - but there is no pressure on the kids or parents.The essay section is just an additional 1 hour.
We would all appreciate it, if you could atleast accomodate it.
The children are looking forward to participating in the state tournament after completeing their 4 hour long exams. These children actually are thinking of state event as there treat after finishing up a long test - so i think it would be really appreciated if you could accomodate them later in the day.
Latha (co coach of Robotic riders team 2561)
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Brittany Rose
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Good morning VA/DC FLL,
A number of coaches and parents have posed questions regarding the apparent conflict between the championship tournament and the entrance exam for Thomas Jefferson. As we did last year, we have partnered with the Thomas Jefferson administration to arrange for an alternate testing plan. Students on teams that are participating in the championship tournament will take the first part of the TJ entrance exam on Saturday morning as scheduled and then will compete in the judged events at the championship in Harrisonburg on Saturday afternoon. If the students pass the first part of the TJ entrance exam, they will be given another date during which time they can take the rest of the test. In order to be able to take the test in this manner, students' names will need to be on a list that VA/DC FLL submits to TJ. Please do NOT send those names now - I will be requesting this information via a separate communication to the championship list later today or tomorrow (I do not yet have a complete list of championship teams from this past weekend).
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