I have no information as I am seriously battery-challenged. But I wanted to add that I would love to know also. I think that from what others have said, it seems like after a couple of years the rechargeable battery doesn't work as well anymore. It kind of wears down and doesn't charge as well over time. We are entering Year 3 with our current robot and battery, so I was thinking about buying a new battery before the start of the season. I don't honestly notice any difference in the performance of our battery as of yet, however, I don't want to have chaos in the middle of the season! So I thought maybe starting with a fresh battery would be better.
It appears as if Lego has a new recharable battery with 2100mAh of power
compared with the original 1400 mAh
At the first site for team registration, products page there is a battery
charger and battery listed this way
Rechargeable AC Battery
* US 979798
* $54.95 USD
This battery is for robots purchased prior to the Body Forward season.
And there is a charger listed the same way.
The lego Education Store lists this original batter this way
This rechargeable lithium battery is designed for use with the NXT
Intelligent Brick. The battery features 1400 mAh of power and an A/C plug
for direct power supply. The battery will charge from 0 to full in a maximum
of four hours. Use the 979833 AC Adapter to charge the battery (sold
Then there is another battery and charger listed this way
Rechargeable DC Battery
* US 979693
* $54.95 USD
The above one is a NEW Battery that the Lego Education Store describes this
Designed for use with the NXT Intelligent Brick, this lithium ion polymer
battery with DC plug gives you an alternative to normal AA batteries. The
battery features 2100 mAh of power and uses the Transformer 10V DC (778887)
to charge. Estimated recharge time: 4-5 hours. Is not compatible with the AC
Charger (979833).
The description on the FIRST site leads us to believe that the new battery
can't be used with the older NXT bricks. But the Lego Education site just
explains that the chargers have to be matched up.
Does anyone have any additional information on these batteries?
Eric F. Palmer
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