I am sure your team has figured out Body-Forward Mission placement and
brain-storming deliverables and game challenge. Hopefully location of
dual lock Velcro made it easier for you to guess most missions except the
patent & mechanical hand. My team's
(ex FLL'r) figured out last year before official release and was quiet
accurate. Hopefully he is right again. See enclosed photograph scaled to fit
within 100K file size. (Feel free to request close-up pictures)
As Nick said lots of obstacles? Are they really obstacles to be crossed or they
are actual missions with narrow gaps between them. Ex. Large Bone
triggers ball in the bridge may further narrow passage. At this point this is a
guess and may have additional wrist rotor drop before pushing ball. Location of Bionic eye is quiet a mystery.
Probably few missions are just push, drop and release type (ex. Ramp &
Syringe, deliver cast in small bone and Pressure Tester, brain and door. Last
mission as usual to earn or deny bonus point - Patent and Mechanical hand.
Challenging missions - Tissues and medicine dispenser.
Penalties – we are still searching for answer. Bonus points to be earned – may be inside the
Hopefully we are right, we may be partial right, but keep brainstorming.
Desh Deshmukh
Welcome to another exciting year of FLL cooperation.
I hear that field setup kits are already arriving to teams. The official kickoff event will be coming up in just a couple of weeks so keep the FLL homepage bookmarked.
Tech-Brick – the FIRST team of Maryland has just posted a bunch of useful information on the upcoming season at: http://www.techbrick.com/resources/
Best of luck – and I look forward to seeing you at a tournament soon.