"View" is handy, But only shows the output of one sensor, and in uncalibrated bits. For those with some programming skill, and time, it's a fun project to write a program that displays the output of all three rotation sensors, right on the NXT brick screen, in scaled units. My version uses a MyBlock within which is some code that uses wires. If you're interested in the program, or in some hints for how to get started writing one, let me know. Cheers, Mike -- To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE your settings, please visit https://listserv.jmu.edu/archives/vadcfll-l.html and select "Join or leave the list". -- VADCFLL administrative announcements are sent via VADCFLL-ADMIN-L. Visit https://listserv.jmu.edu/archives/vadcfll-admin-l.html to subscribe.