Dear all,
I appreciate and commend the spirit of gracious professionalism displayed in the e-mails concerning this topic. This is a very fine group of people indeed.
Can I mention, the digest method, while cutting down on the stream of e-mails, does not solve the problem of trying to discern the e-mails I critically need from those of (well-deserved) thanks.
I do think putting thank you in the subject field would help immensely. Perhaps that could be tweaked by also putting “thank you + advice for other coaches,” when applicable. Or perhaps in those cases, coaches can just separate their thanks from their advice into separate e-mails. I think this is the best solution I’ve heard yet.
As one last thought, please keep in mind what would happen if every coach (say around 40/tournament) sent a thank you for their tournament (how many are represented by this list, I just don’t know. Is it 20, 50, ++? ). That number would be immense. To continue that thought, please keep in mind that many (most?...all?) of us who don’t send the e-mails may not be any less thankful (seriously, I LOVE this program and the volunteers are truly awesome). We just are concerned about the e-mail volume. How can we allow all coaches to express their thanks equally and fairly without bogging down this forum? Keep in mind FIRST Lego is a growing program. The benefit of solving this issue is real.
In the meanwhile, it would be sad for Ms. Pantaleo or anyone else to stop volunteering, so I guess I should encourage those of us who feel the need to, to keep right on thanking :-) I can deal! But can we try the thank you in the subject field thing? I personally will consider sending a thank you this year, now that that good idea has been suggested!
Peace and goodwill,
From: First Lego League
in Virginia and DC [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Eric
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 11:18 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [VADCFLL-L] Giving Thanks
I'm with Darlene on this one. I
appreciate the thank yous and love seeing those from other tournaments as well.
On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Darlene Pantaleo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
'Tis unfortunate, however, that most volunteers do not stick
around long enough to receive the thanks, and most teams bolt immediately. A
blanket email is appreciated and reaches more than the few volunteers a team
can catch.
For those of you who do not like receiving all of the emails, change your
setting to "digest". For everyone who wants to give thanks, make sure
your subject line says so for those who want to filter or delete without
opening. These are easy fixes that should satisfy everyone.
The day that the positive notes are no longer written is the day that I will
stop volunteering and/or coaching FLL.
Darlene Pantaleo
FLL Judge Advisor
Maggie Walker
P/F: 804.745.2493
On Nov 8, 2010, at 10:30 AM, Robert Haskins wrote:
> Speaking as a volunteer referee at states for the past two years, a
> personal thanks from the kids at a tournament directly to me means
> *much* more than a blanket email to this list from a coach. :-)
> And on the topic of interruptions, it's more than the 10 seconds, it
> is also the "context switch" time that these emails take. So,
for some
> people (like me), a thank-you email can cost me more like 5 minutes of
> time, once you figure in the "context switch" (interruption)
> Also everyone, please trim your email/posts!!!
> On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 10:19 AM, Mandy Wilson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> I understand that right before a tournament you have 20 hours worth of
>> still to do and 3 hours to do it all so you are trying to be efficient
>> your time and prioritize those things that are important to you…
and you are
>> stressed about the lack of time. Been there. But I’m
sure all of the
>> volunteers who put countless hours into this had something else
pressing in
>> their lives too and yet they were still there for us. So if it
takes some
>> people 10 seconds to sort out that unwanted email in order to help pay
>> volunteers for hours of their time, that’s ok with me. Or
just set your
>> filter to take all email with thanks in the body to put in junk if
that 10
>> sec per email is really that important to you. But let’s
not stop giving
>> thanks. At the end of the tournament, regardless of your
results, I do hope
>> your team takes the time out of their busy schedules to stop and give
>> to you.
> --
> Haskins Family Farm
> Middletown, VA
> blog:
> web site:
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