Mandy -
We are having a similar problem. We'll run a mission successfully eight times in a row and then it will fail because the robot starts turning too much.
We've been very distracted this last week because of some great opportunities to present our project. Now we're back to fine tuning some missions that are giving us problems that we thought were solved. <<sigh>>
One of our team members said that "it's like the the robot is just a
tired and needs a little rest". This was very sweet, but another team member
said that "it's a computer and machinery problem and we should be able
to fix it - after all we programmed it" G.I.G.O . :) Despite their trouble with missions, at least they're starting to think (and talk) a little more scientifically.
Hope someone can respond with some advice that will help in these last hours to alleviate some of the frustration.
n Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Mandy Wilson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Our team has a part of its program where the robot is supposed to turn some nominal amount (around 30 degrees) and for some reason every 5th run or so, it spins about 120 degrees. They have put a reset motor block, a break block and even a 1 sec wait block in front of the errant turn in order to stop the issue, but nothing they have done works. They’ve even tried deleting the block and putting another one in. They thought it was the gearing on the wheels coming loose which also causes it to act up, but on the 6-9th run it works fine and then at run 10 it does it again. Well not quite that predictable, but you get my point. Has anyone else had this problem and is there a way to fix it, or should the team just be resigned to blow a round at the tournament? Thanks for all the help – this is our first year!
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