What: FIRST LEGO League Workshop for New Coaches
When: August 11 (9 – 3 p.m.)
Where: Greenbrier Intermediate School, Chesapeake, VA
Registration - https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDBQdWR2YmpRVEJiRi1HVXYxbG90bWc6MQ
Mapquest Directions - http://classic.mapquest.com/maps?address=1701+River+Birch+Run+N.&zipcode=23320&country=US
Workshop Schedule
9:00 – 10:00 Introductory Presentation
10:00 – 12:00 Build NXTbot and practice programming
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Break - Coaching/Mentoring Techniques Presentation*
1:00 – 3:00 Practice programming with NXT / Individual Q & A
* We will present this part of the workshop during lunch, so bring your own lunch.
This workshop is FREE.
Please bring your NXT robot kit and a laptop with your NXT software installed, if possible.
Karen Arnett - [log in to unmask]
John Sammons - [log in to unmask]
Greenbrier Intermediate School
1701 River Birch Run North
Chesapeake, VA 23320
(757) 578 – 7080 (school office)