Best advice is don't give up. Even if you are not ready go to competition any way, you and your kids will learn TONS from other teams.
If you need a program for a spreadsheet, download openoffice at It's free and will meet 90% of your needs.
As for the hours I tell my parents at the start that it is a large commitment, We end up at least three days a week for two - three hours and some Saturdays.
Coach of the WAFFLEBOTS!
The only team on the Eastern Shore.
On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 12:01 AM, SUBSCRIBE VADCFLL-L Anonymous
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
My team of 6 has met three times and we're trying to decide whether to
compete this year or wait. I'm sorry, I'm sure these questions have been
posted before. I have looked through the archives, but haven't found what
I'm looking for.
1. Is the National Registration a one time fee forever, that will be attached to
the coaches name or the school, regardless of what students are on the team?
2. I can't download most of the files on here as my computer doesn't have
anything except works and pdf capabilities. Is there a sheet from a previous
year that breaks down the basics of the competition? I read that the robot
missions are 25% of the score, but don't know what encompasses the other
3. Would it be humiliating for a group of 9-11 yr olds to meet 2 hours a week
and compete? My parents don't want to add more at this point, and I don't
have a point of reference as far as skill levels in either research or maneuvers.
4. Are there licensing legalities to putting logos on team t-shirts? And how do
we find out if other teams have the same name?
We don't have funding organized at this point, so I can't go get some of
these great resource books you have been suggesting. Thanks for any tips,
and for posting them yet again.
Jennifer Armstrong
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Michael Brown
Y!:nrune AOL:nrune
GPS: Team Virginia Brown's
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