What works really well- we did this again this year is to open all packets-- use disposable plates and bowls and separate all the like pieces together into these plates and bowls. Let the kids break up into teams of two and build the mission pieces together- One reads directions and the other gets the pieces needed. Then both can team up and build. I also recommend you make it into a pizza party. We did this last night and completed all the field pieces within a matter of 3 hours start to finish including a break for pizza.
Hope that helps.
On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 10:29 PM, Pamela Mummareddy
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi All:
I receviced the field set up kit. That kit has several different pieces in each packet. Do you open all the packets, sort it and then create the mission models or each packet belongs to a particular mission model.
Could any of you answer my question or point me in right direction.
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