Well, as a software geek for 35+ years, I'd say you've described it correctly: the bad program corrupts the rest of the software.

I'd suggest you recreate the bad program from scratch and try again.

"Computers [stink]" -- every software engineer ever born
Phil Smith III

Coach, The Capital Girls (retired)
Team 1900 (2002)
Team 2497 (2003)
Team 2355 (2004)
Team 1945 (2005)

-----Original Message-----
From: First Lego League in Virginia and DC [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Bobby p. Carder
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 9:51 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [VADCFLL-L] Error Code 1003

Ok...this is two in one day...but I swear there is a goblin wreaking havoc
with our bot/program.  

This error occurred when we downloaded a program to the brick and it
subsequently said that there is a "missing required file" and to reload the
software or nxt driver.  In nutshell, after reinstalling everything there is
to reinstall, including firmware, software, etc and rebooting and praying to
the Lego Gods for mercy after several hours of torture.  We still got the error.

Then we took our program to another computer and downloaded it to a
different brick.  Voila!  It happened again.  Ok..to shorten a very long
story....we have deduced that the particular robot program we were working
on is somehow corrupt (???).   What is really bizarre is that every other
program will give the same error if opened after the 'bad' program.  But! 
If we close down the NXT software and reopen a new program (without opening
the 'bad' program), it doesn't happen.

Anyone ever seen this before?  I can't find anything greyed out, nothing
looks obvious...but I am new at this, it's pretty easy to trip me up.   I
guess the kids will just have to rewrite the program?  But I am not
confident that another program will do the same thing.  

Thanks for your help - Paul Carder, The Lost Marbles

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