We need to be careful when we talk about the “latest firmware and software”. The answer depends on what software you are using and specifically if you are running the retail or the educational version of the NXT-G software. You can
tell which you have by using the help menu item from your NXT-G software. I suspect most of you will have the educational version, but some might have the retail version. I recently had a discussion with LEGO Education on this subject and captured the discussion
in the attached file.
The most recent firmware version is 1.31. There are some notes at the Lego firmware download site (http://mindstorms.lego.com/en-us/support/files/firmware.aspx#Patches)
that explain the changes that were made from the previous version.
The latest version of the Mindstorms NXT software is 2.1. If you have version 2.0, you can upgrade to version 2.1 by using the patch available on the vadcfll.org website (under Coaching Resources). If you have an older (1.x) version, you can purchase the newer
software from Lego.
On 9/30/11 4:25 PM, Sonya Shaver wrote:
Can anyone inform me about firmware and software? Is the most updated firmware 1.31?
If you go to this link and search for firmware, it lists Firmware 1.31 at the top, but it doesn't say NXT Firmware.
Also, does the software change and get updated too? Or would the Mindstorms software from three years ago be the same as what is current right now?
Thanks in advance!
Sonya Shaver
Ralph F Grove, Ph.D.
James Madison University Department of Computer Science