  there have been several responses to this question today and none
are complete.  There are three reasons why the trailer in its starting
condition does not count for scoring mission points.  They all come
from the Field Setup.  They are because of something that isn't there,
something that might be there, and something that is there.

1)  The meat does not start in the trailer.  It starts in Base, per
the Field Setup.

"Meat & Fish – The crate of meat goes in Base, and the fish go exactly
on their marks east of Base."

2)  The trailer wheels need to touch the dock north of the white line
to earn the points.  This may or may not be the starting position,
depending on the size of the table.  Remember, the Field Setup tells
us that the mat is flush to the south wall, so there should be a gap
between the edge of the mat and the north wall.  The starting position
of the trailer is touching the wall (Field Setup, again).  I can say
that I've seen three sets of tables so far this season, and the front
wheels have been touching the dock north of the the white line on all
of them--but this is not guaranteed to be the case at your tournament.

It is worth noting that the definition of "touching" says that any
actual amount of direct contact will do.  So, yes, any wheel on the
trailer, any bit touching north of the line.

"Refrigeration Trailer – The back of the white refrigeration trailer
is pushed against the north border wall, between the two center
fences, centered on its marks."

3)  The Field Setup directs that 2 red bacteria start in the trailer.
This violates the scoring condition that there be "no germs inside",
and is clearly the hardest condition to change just using the robot.

"Bacteria & Virus (Germs) – Bacteria go in the dispensers in the
quantities and locations shown, except all yellow go in Base, and two
red go in the refrigerated trailer. Eight virus go with the greens and
eight with the pinks."

So the answer to the iBots question is:  "no, definitely not--it does
not score as is."

Steve Scherr
VA/DC FLL Referee Advisor

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 11:28 AM, Cathleen Maloney
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I just want to make sure that our team is not missing anything on the
> Refrigerated Ground Transport mission.  Is it safe to say that the trailer
> in its original starting position satisfies the criteria for the mission
> option to have the trailer with the meat inside, no germs, with any of its
> wheels touching the port dock north of the white line?
> Cathleen Maloney
> Lunsford iBots - #4906

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