I apologize if this has come up before
in discussion.
I'm wondering how people have gone
about installing a support platform and a piece of 2x3 to
support the ball game mission.
I'm not sure about drilling a piece of
wood into the underside of our table so I was thinking of
getting a piece of rigid foam board and super gluing it to the
underside of the table to simulate the other table surface.
That way it can be unstuck and sanded down next year.
I was also thinking of velcro-ing the
piece of 2x3 (or whatever size the table wall beams are) to
the table wall. It may leave a slight gap due to the thickness
of the velcro but as long as the mission straddles both walls
fine, it shouldn't make any difference.
Wondering if anyone thinks there's
anything wrong with this plan.
Thank you,