On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 10:06 PM, VA/DC Referee Advisor
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Actually, the referee does reset things, when appropriate:
Rule 23 – Reversibile Accidents
When things such as a sleeve, table-bump, or illegal action disturb
the field in any way, the ref physically reverses the change if he or
she feels that’s easy...
And the referee will move the pinwheel backwards during the match to
assess touch penalties.
Mission: Touch Penalty – If you touch the robot while it’s outside
Base, the referee clicks the cardiovascular exercise dial one click
toward zero.
To answer the question, "what happens if the pinwheel clicks twice",
we look at the mission description:
— between every click of the wheel and the next, the robot must get
completely into base at least once
and Game Update 3:
Leave Base, click once, with or without doing other stuff, go back to
Base, come back out, click once more, with or without doing other
stuff, and so on. The dial must move by pinwheel clicks only and only
one per outing.
Moving the pinwheel twice is an illegal action, so, by Rule 23, the
referee undoes the illegal action.
The question for the referee is, "what is the illegal action?" Is it
(1) moving the pinwheel the second click before returning to Base, or
(2) doing something that moves the pinwheel two clicks?
In Case (1), the referee will undo the second click, and leave the
first one untouched.
In Case (2), the referee will undo both clicks.
Before reviewing the Challenge, I thought that I knew what I would do,
but after reviewing the Challenge, I am unsure. So, for the time
being, Rule 29 applies.
Rule 29 - Benefit of the Doubt
You get the benefit of the doubt when:
-- a situation could “go either way” due to confusing, conflicting, or
missing information.
However, I will write to Scott Evans and ask for a Game
Update/clarification, so this interpretation may not be valid during
tournament season.
My recommendation: a well-designed robot should only take actions
that will normally move the pinwheel one click. It should be an
accident or out-of-control effect that would cause a double-click, not
the robot doing its planned interaction with the Cardiovascular
Exercise mission.
Steve Scherr
VA/DC FLL Referee Advisor
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 8:39 PM, Brandy bergenstock
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> The rules stated that it would only count 1 click per base trip. Refs don't
> usually reset items, so I am assuming- until an official ruling comes down
> from high- that if you turn it more than 1 click per base trip, it won't
> count (for the 2nd+ turn) and you have limited the number of points you get
> from that items because you "wasted" a turn.
> That's my interpretation.
> Brandy
> ________________________________
> From: will chen <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 7:06 PM
> Subject: [VADCFLL-L]
> thanks, I was also wondering, if you hit the cardio exercise too hard and it
> moves more then one click, then what would the referee do?
> [log in to unmask] ~
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