I've answered this question a few times for folks off-list, so I'm posting
here to hopefully save someone from asking late in the game and having to


There will not be any AV equipment supplied by the school or FLL in any of
the presentation rooms, so teams should not expect there to be. They can
bring equipment if necessary (projector, etc.), but the KISS principle
applies, as well as problem anticipation-what if the bulb decides to die
from the journey? (Bring a spare.) What if there's no outlet nearby? (Bring
an extension cord.)


Also, remember that setup time comes out of the five minutes for the
presentation, and in general, the kids should be doing the setup unless
there's a compelling reason (e.g., I remember one team who had no projector,
and instead lugged in a heavy tube-type TV, which the coach had to carry).


Phil Smith III


Head Judge, Eagle Ridge Tournament 2012

Coach, The Capital Girls (retired)

Team 1900 (2002)

Team 2497 (2003)

Team 2355 (2004)

Team 1945 (2005) 

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