Where are you located? I believe I have some extra dual lock at home but I can't be certain because I'm at work and cannot check. I am in the Richmond area and would gladly help you out. I may also be able to find one of those wheels in the many bags and boxes of parts I have at the house.
One thought about duct tape, while I use it for all sorts of repairs, I'm not sure it will hold the parts correctly and steady. Additionally, the dual lock will be a bit thicker than duct tape and may cause any measurements, and therefore code, to be off by small amounts if you are using height for anything. Other than that and for all things non-FLL, duct tape cures all ills.
Lloyd O'Hara
Coach, The Crestwood Monarchs
On 10/09/12, Owen Onderdonk<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
First year coach here.
We are missing the sticky velcro squares from our kit. We called LEGO and they
have none in their inventory. Can't we just use duct tape to hold stuff in place
while practicing? The competition board will be prepared already, right?
Also we are missing one of the grey rim/wheels from the remote-control
carrying dog (listed in step 31 of 13_Pets for help_screen.pdf).
Any help acquiring these missing parts would be greatly appreciated.
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