Yes, on Saturday there will be bus transportation to offsite science
activities in both the morning and the afternoon.  Only team members
may ride the buses, due to space constraints.  There are some
activities and displays available inside Memorial Hall, too.

Buses are also available at midday to take teams and family members
between Memorial Hall and the dining hall, or it is a pleasant walk.

On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 11:08 PM, Ramesh Vishnubhatla
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Our team will be participating at the championship this weekend and I am
> trying to figure out the logistics for day 1 activities.  I had been to the
> championship a few years ago with my older son and remember that the kids
> were bussed away for the activities without the parents and the coaches.
> Since I have not seen any note indicating that this year, I want to check to
> see if it is still the case.  Can someone shed some light on this please.
> Thanks
> Ramesh
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