(I hope you don't mind me sharing non-FLL stuff here. It is lego, creative building related so I figured there would be PLENTY of teams here interested in this competition. 

Sharing this info from the Hampton Roads Naval Museum:

Good Morning:

I'm trying to get in touch with all the local home school groups to tell you
about an upcoming program we have scheduled at the Hampton Roads Naval
Museum. It's called Brick by Brick: LEGO Shipbuilding, is completely free of
charge, and will take place on Saturday, February 2,
2013 from 10am to 5pm. We would like people to bring their already-built
LEGO ships (made from a kit or from scratch) to display at the museum for
the day. At 2pm on February 2, HRNM will hold a ship contest, and prizes
will be given to the winners of the best adult-built ship and best
child-built ships (three different age groups) brought in before 2pm.

HRNM will also set up a ship-building station during the program, where
anyone can build their own ships to enter into the contest or create one
from HRNM's own diagrams. All of HRNM's new ship designs are based on real
ship models in the museum gallery. Participants will learn the science
behind building ships while using LEGOs. There is no requirement to build a
ship in order to participate, however--we will be offering a number of
activities for everyone to take part in, whether you bring a LEGO ship or
not. This program is for both children and adults.

  We're advertising this completely FREE program (no museum admission; no event admission). Please email the address below or call Laura with any questions, and please pass this along to anyone you think would be interested in the event. We'd love to have lots of participants!

Best wishes,
Laura L. Orr, Special Events Coordinator/Educator

Hampton Roads Naval Museum
One Waterside Dr., Suite 248
Norfolk, VA 23510
 (757) 322-3108 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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