[log in to unmask]" type="cite">I would recommend 4-H. Get with your local 4-H agent and talk to them about your situation. They regularly deal with these types of issues. You may have to start a 4-H club and be chartered (not a very hard thing to do). 4-H is also one of the partners of FLL and they have a free on-line tutorial program that teaches kids basic NXT programming. Google "Fire 4-H Robotics".
Good luck
The agent will gladly help you.
On 8/28/2013 12:43 PM, Joseph and Mary Holland wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">I am trying to get a FLL team started, and I have donations available that could cover a significant portion of our initial start-up costs. The catch is that these donations need to be made to a non-profit group with a designation for our team.
I am having a difficult time finding a non-profit group that will support this. FLL coaches manual suggests working with a school. Our school PTA has said "No" and the principal is not sure how to handle such a procedure.
Can anyone offer guidance on how to proceed? Do you know any groups in Virginia and/or Richmond that might support a team and accept these donations on our behalf?
I appreciate any advice!
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