I've met a lot of great coaches during my years in FLL, and they rely on each other for advice (for example, this email list) and other resources.
Don't forget about the Coach/Team Resources page on the FLL website: http://www.firstlegoleague.org/challenge/teamresources
-- There's a series of phone calls scheduled (with recordings and slides) talking about different parts of FLL
-- There's a list of great links to help you learn about building, programming, and controlling robots
-- There's a section on how to tackle the FLL project
-- There are links to other great resources, too.
The Virginia/DC FLL website at http://vadcfll.org also has lists of team resources, as well as information about tournaments in VA and DC, and the handful of policies that describe tournaments in our area.
FLL is great fun for team members, and even for coaches and team parents--it's wonderful how much the team members learn and are able to do over the course of a season.
[By the way, tournament volunteers have lots of fun, too, and it's a great way to get insight about how other great teams work. You can volunteer for a tournament at the VADCFLL.ORG website, or by contacting a tournament director.]
Steve Scherr
VA/DC FLL Referee Advisor