Volunteering to help out at tournaments is a great idea, both to help teams (lets the coach see the tournament from the other side) and to help the tournaments (all of us are volunteers and it takes a not-so-small army of volunteers to pull off the 23 regional tournaments and the Championship tournament, so most events are happy to welcome additional help).  There are two primary ways that you can volunteer to help.

If there is information on the tournaments page (http://www.vadcfll.org/db/tournaments.aspx) for the event that you would like to volunteer at, you can contact the tournament director directly and offer to help out.  The dates and locations are listed on the main page and most of the events have some detailed information on their links.

If there is no information on the website for the event that you would like to help with, or you are not sure what events might be right for you, there is a link on the main website (http://www.vadcfll.org/, right in the middle of the page) that allows you to fill out a volunteer interest form.  The folks at JMU will get that and forward it out to the appropriate events.

Please note that some tournaments may already have all of their volunteers identified and may not be able to take more (an awesome problem for those of us who are tournament directors!) but most will probably welcome more help.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [VADCFLL-L] volunteering
From: Kim Schauer <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, October 29, 2013 3:23 pm
To: <[log in to unmask]>

Who should we contact if we want to volunteer at this weekend's tournament in
Ashburn? The VA/DC FLL website doesn't have a hyperlink for information about
that particular tournament.


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