Agreed. Might be worth noting here that the spontaneous teamwork event changes from tournament to tournament, so it’s not like judging the week before lets a coach tell the team “You’ll be doing x”.


From: First Lego League in Virginia and DC [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Lloyd O'Hara
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 9:13 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [VADCFLL-L] VA/DC FLL Regional Tournament


 Yes, it is correct that a coach of a local team can judge a local tournament before or after his/her team has competed.  


I have now coached for the better part of nine years, five years with my son's team, a couple years of no caching, and now four years with my daughter's team.  Additionally, I have been doing technical judging for at least six years.  Up until this year, I have always judged after our team has competed the first week at LC Bird and I have judged a later week at the Deep Run tournament.   This year, because of the way the tournaments were scheduled, Ijudged Technical Design 1at Deep Run on the first weekend and our team competed the second weekend at LC Bird.  Our team was one of two teams selected to advance to the VADC FLL Championship at JMU.


I am not sure how the above scenario is a conflict of interest.  Judging at a tournament the week before you compete is not going to change what your team has done all season long, working hard and preparing.  Our team has been at this for four years and has learned, grown, and matured in the process and   they have gelled as a team over the years.


So, in conclusion, I will have to respectfully disagree with your assertion that there may be an issue with a coach judging a local tournament the week before and/or after his/her team competes at another local tournament.  Furthermore, I believe any local tournament would welcome more judges and coaches should make an effort to volunteer.


Thanks for listening,


Lloyd O'Hara

Coach, The Crestwood Monarchs



On 11/12/13, Rick & Susan Steenrod<[log in to unmask]> wrote:



Is it correct, a coach of a local team can judge a local tournament before or after his/her team has competed?  Recently heard a coach judged a local tournament the week before his/her team competed and the following week his team competed and was selected to advance to states.  I always thought it would be a conflict of interest and have not volunteered to judge until my kids age out.




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