Virginia/DC FLL is looking for FLL team(s) to display their season's accomplishments (project and robot/model) to a Manassas based BSA Robotics Merit Badge Event and to show other kids how to program.

EVENT:  Manassas based BSA Robotics Merit Badge featuring FLL
LOCATION:  Stonewall Middle School in Manassas
10100 Lomond Dr.
Manassas, VA 20109
DATE & TIME:  Saturday, February 15th - 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
FLL teams can display this season's FLL robot and project.  There may or may not be an FLL table at this event but teams can still feature their robot by showing how it can move.  Although it would be great to have the entire team at this event, it is not required for all team members to be at this exhibit.  At least 2 or 3 team members and 1 team coach or parent chaperone should be available during the team's volunteer shift.

How can this event benefit team members?
Ø  Community outreach activity:  Promote STEM programs like FIRST.
Ø  Continue practicing FIRST Core Value: "We share our knowledge and experience."
Ø  For FLL teams:  Promote your team's innovative solution (a benefit if your team is participating in the FLL Global Innovation Award).
Ø  Volunteer students can earn community service hours.

To volunteer as a FLL presenter, please send an email to Dustin Skelton at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

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