I have a question regarding our Team's registration with US FLL. I jumped through all the hoops and registered both of our teams with FLL-US and FLL-VA/DC. Paid all fees and put in all member info on the VA/DC site. Are we required to "invite" team members on the FLL-US page beyond filling in our number and race info? Or can we simply bring our signed consent forms to the Tournament as we have done in the past? I hope someone understands what I am asking. I can see our Team rosters on the VA/DC site, but not the FLL-US site and I am just wondering if this is a "MUST" or simply an option.

Dawn Perry

Begin forwarded message:

From: Lord Of The Bricks <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: [VADCFLL-L] STIMS Registration
Date: September 9, 2014 at 2:32:29 PM EDT
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: Lord Of The Bricks <[log in to unmask]>

Team members who complete a STIMS registration do not have to bring hard copies of consent forms in hard copy; only team members who are not in STIMS.  Coaches and mentors use TIMS, not STIMS (there is a place to designate team mentors in the team's TIMS account.

On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 2:20 PM, Laura Dysart <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
In addition, how about teen mentors? Do they need to have a STIMS account to attend the event? Thanks.
On Sep 9, 2014, at 11:39 AM, Michael Jones wrote:

Is it necessary to have each team member create an account on the Student
Team Information Membership System (STIMS) and request join the team using
the team number?  I know that it is necessary to bring a hard copy of your
team roster and consent forms to tournaments, but will we be able to compete
if my team members do not register using STIMS?

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