For all FLL Coaches and Teams in Haymarket Area:


My name is Hana Komine, and I am contacting you as a representative of the Haymarket FLL Regional Competition host, ILITE Robotics.

We are hosting an event specifically for FLL students to be able to present their research to the public. The event will be run similarly to a science fair, held in the commons cafeteria of Battlefield High School, on November 1st, 2014 (the first Saturday of the month) from 9 AM to 11 AM. On hand, will be the Student Leadership Team of ILITE Robotics.  These team members will listen to your presentations, share their insight and host a round robin of presentations for those teams that would like to share their work with the other teams.  It will be good practice for your kids for their competition day.

We plan this FLL Presentation Day to be a brief morning event. Supplemental elements that a team might consider bringing are their presentation materials (for instance, display boards) and their robot to showcase.

Please use Door #19.  Turn right on entrance, and park near the playground at the back of the school.  We will have students available to lead to you the area of the FLL presentation event.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me!


Thank you again for your support of this event!


Hana Komine, Student
Team 1885 ILITE Robotics"

--Hana Komine

Supported by:

Professor Drake
Associate Professor Northern Virginia Community College
ILITE FRC Robotics Coach
ILITE FTC Robotics Coach
Robotics Tournament Director
US Cyber Patriot Coach

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