ThanksHello:I am clicking on this link/go button - it shows me the tournaments, but gives no option to register when I click on the tournament name. Where do I go to register?
AnuOn Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Karen Berger <[log in to unmask]> wrote:Tournament selection is now open and will remain open until October 10th.Please make sure that all information is entered into the system and correct by October 10th. After that date you will not be able to log into the system to change anything (this includes team names, team members and their information or tournament selections). The tournament planners need that time to prepare for the events and we need to get supplies ordered.Please be careful to ensure that ALL team members are accounted for in the system (we use that information to order things like ribbons and want to make sure that we order enough) and that ALL birthdays are correct (that information assigns divisions and being assigned to the incorrect division could make a team ineligible for awards or to advance).Thanks,Karen-----------------Karen BergerVA-DC FLL Regional Tournament Coordinator-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [VADCFLL-L] registration opening at 10
From: "Swayne, Nick - swaynedd" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, October 01, 2014 9:55 am
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Folks,Tournament registration opens in just a few minutes. Dustin is in a class until noon so if you have any immediate questions let me know and I’ll try to help.Nick
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