
The tournament registration is up and running.  Check out the BIG BUTTONs
on the homepage:

This is the ONLY site for registration (donıt go to the USFIRST site for

Youıll see there is a $150 registration fee for the championship.  You can
pay by PO or check, but if you plan to do so - please let us know ASAP so
we hold your spot!

Hotel registration is probably the only thing with a deadline that we
canıt control.  Steele Meetings has coordinated blocked rooms for a
special rate but the hotels wouldnıt hold them past Monday so please book
your rooms quickly.  The hotels work with us very well but they donıt want
to have a glut of blocked rooms that end up going unfilled so please move
quickly on the hotels.

The activity registration page will be up at midnight on Sunday (if
everything works correctly) - 8:00 am in not.  Itıs a new, web-based
registration process that should generate an automatic confirmation e-mail
to you immediately and limit enrollments to the spaces available.
Registrations are on a first come/first serve basis and require by-name
registrations (individual) so that we can keep track of the kids.  This is
VERY important - we have a perfect record for not losing kids and really
want to keep it that way.



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